The Elder Scrolls Sandbox
The Elder Scrolls Sandbox


Valentina La Belle De La Luna
"What beautiful things might be lying...just above our heads?"

If you didn't hear her approach by the sound of her shoes on the stone, you'd think she floated past on the air. For one look and you'd be sure her feet never touched the ground.
— Rumination of Valentina, A Brief History of the Dragonborn Champions

Valentina or more famously known as the Glass Priestess, was one of the legendary member of the Dragonborn Champions, and a mysterious woman who claimed to have fallen from the smaller of Nirns' two moons, Secunda.



Valentina as a Glass Priestess

The years predating her arrival to Nirn and Skyrim were shrouded in mystery and stories of an unreliable nature, often told by Valentina herself. She claims to be far older than her appearance would suggest, stating to have seen the formation of Nirn from the moon, dating her life to that of the Dawn Era, if true.

Valentina often told stories of having been born into a powerful and nobel family on the moon, a single moon. She claims that Secunda and Masser were once one in the same and had been split during a cataclysmic civil war between the upper and lower class of the lunar folk. The upperclass eventually moving to Secunda while the remaining citizens stayed on Masser.

During her life on Secunda, she claimed to have been a Glass Priestess and was able to mold the mysterious substance at will, using it to craft great towers and cities on the moon out of glass alongside her fellow priestesses.

Eventually, she claims to have become curious about those on Nirn and departed from the moon without the permission of the rulers of Secunda and landed in Skyrim during the First Era, some 20 years after the birth of Dragonborn Kor


Flippant, good-natured, and overly curious, Valentina was singularly the most eccentric and difficult to understand off the champions. A product of seemingly a foreign culture, Valentina approached her time in Skyrim with great fascination, delighting in the perceived strangeness of, as he liked to call them, "Nirn Dwellers." She made little distinction between Nords, Imperials and Bretons, and upon seeing the reptilian Argonian and catlike Khajiit regarded them as simply another type of Nirn Dweller.

Eager to learn, she absorbed the various customs and languages of Skyrim extrodinarly fast and spoke several different languages before her death. She was regarded favorably by most anyone who met her, and those not entranced by her beauty were quickly won over by her strange charm and almost alien allure.
